OPINION: Displacing Fitness New West would hurt parents, kids

I am the second generation to use the Fitness New West programs at Centennial Community Centre.

My mother put myself and my brother in the child-minding service and then into the preschool program. She would then take a fitness class while we were in these programs. I have taken many Fitness New West classes through the years and now have children of my own and have done the same thing as my mother. My three-year-old attends the Discovery Play program, and my one-year-old goes to child-minding while I do cycle.

There are many other parents (not just moms) taking these classes with me who have their children in these programs as well.

If the Fitness New West classes get changed to other locations, many of us then won\’t be able to attend. For myself, I don\’t drive during the week, so dropping off my children at multiple locations so I can take 30 minutes or an hour to exercise and take care of myself is not possible.

I have in the past used the gym at Canada Games Pool, and the difference between taking a class and just using the equipment on my own time is huge.

The many different programs offered bring our community together as well as offering a fantastic way to keep healthy and get some exercise. Many people are regulars, and not only do we get to know each other, but our children benefit by seeing each other regularly and gain social interaction skills.

Putting gym equipment into these areas would not only take that away but also take away an amazing and ideal setup for the instructors that run these classes.

Massey Theatre has two gyms, plus three other large spaces in the basement that if they are not being used would be ideal for this situation. Why not put the equipment there and set up a program?

It would create a few jobs and also allow a great use of the space for temporary use while we wait for the new pool to be finished. The fact that this was all decided behind closed doors and not communicated with our community shows that they knew the mass majority of the community would be opposed to this.

Sarah Elder, New Westminster

NOTE: This letter to the editor was originally published online via the New West Record newspaper