Councillor Fontaine issues statement regarding use of deceptive Twitter account by Community First Trustee

It’s time former Community First School Trustee, Dee Beattie, does the right thing and immediately resigns her position as a school trustee. Her admission that she created and used a fake Twitter account to attack and bully parents, residents and political opponents disqualifies her from holding public office.

As someone who has personally been catfished and attacked by Ms. Beattie’s deceptive Twitter account, I think nothing short of a resignation will suffice in this case.

In less than eight months after the election, Community First politicians have already been mired in two major scandals. The former Chair of the School Board was forced to resign (her role as Chair) when it was revealed a special prosecutor had been appointed due to a New West police investigation related to alleged Election Act violations in 2022. And now this.

Our students, parents, teachers, and staff deserve better with an entire School Board who are honest, trustworthy, and truly committed to putting the community first.

I look forward to the results of an independent and third-party investigation into this matter which should be made available to the citizens of New Westminster in its entirety.

Daniel Fontaine – New West City Councillor