OPINION: Labour Council has too much influence on New West politicians

It is well past time for the influence of the New Westminster and District Labour Council in the politics of New West to end.

It is the definition of insanity to do things the same way and expect different results. The labour council doesn\’t care about New Westminster, the labour council cares only about its own agenda and their \”endorsed\” slate of candidates is all too often lacking in the skill and ability to run a city with the complexity that New West is facing.

It\’s about time we saw some balance and diversity in the city council that runs our civic government, rather than a slate of union-centric, tax-and-spend politicians who have only one agenda, keeping the district labour council happy to keep their endorsement for next time.

Right wing or left is far less important at this critical time than the ability to tackle the tough issues and disregard the agendas of the lobbyists and trade unionists who only want to perpetuate the status quo.

Let\’s see a council elected on their merits, not a slate of brainwashed yes people who follow the decrees of those who put them there without critical thought or debate.

Steve Clark, New Westminster

NOTE: This was originally published as a letter to the editor for the Record newspaper