Thank you New Westminster!

On behalf of our council and school trustee candidates and the Board of Directors, we want to thank everyone in New Westminster for your incredible support over the last year. While we were not able to reach all of our goals last evening, we did manage to elect Danielle Connelly to the School Board – which is an incredible accomplishment for a new grassroots political organization like ours!

Congratulations to Mayor Cote and his entire slate for a very decisive victory last evening. A special recognition as well to all the independent candidates who ran for mayor, council and the school board!

With the election over, now is the time to focus on making our city an even better place to live, work, play and invest. The New West Progressives will be taking down lawn signs over the coming days and packing up our campaign office. But that does not mean we are not going to remain active in the community. We hope to remain engaged and will most certainly continue to play a role in helping to ensure there is a greater level of accountability – and a voice for all New West residents on council.

Thanks again for all your support and we look forward to seeing you in the community.